Saturday, November 17, 2007

Lost Night

Lost Night

Suba's Wedding

My pet sis Subs just officially had a wedding. She weds hubby Theva. Haha... she looked so purdy that night, and Thevs looked so handsome. Such a sweet couple. I managed to leave the office at 5.30pm and got stuck in many different crawls before I reached Batu Caves. And boy did I get lost!!! I reached the Batu Caves temple at circa 7.30pm. And I took a left turn at the junction, and stopped at a Chinese school there (a Chinese school was one of the landmarks) but it was the wrong school! Oh my what a hectic search it was... I left the map at my office desk before I left so I'm like a lost tourist in Batu Caves. Irene texted me the address on my mobile, and chanel handbags kept referring to it at every signboard I pass by and every petrol station I stop at (about 4-5 stations). I got more and more LOST! The address states Batu 7, but I ended up at Batu 5, and later on Batu 3. And I reached many different "ulu" areas with names I've never heard of, many of them just numbers. Then I got stuck in a number of traffic jams, still lost, try every turn-off, return to the junction and try repeatedly. Soon I was on a highway where I had no idea where I was heading, other than it said "Kuantan" and "Zoo Negara". Thank God Mukhsie called and she passed to Kiru and then Subra. They all helped me reach the wedding hall. Time was 9.30pm. I was so tired... but it was my sis' wedding. I just can't miss it. There were so many people and there the guys were, Lee John, Mukhsie (mish her so much), Liang, Kiru (looking so purdy btw) and Justin + gf. In the distance at the main table I could spot Thevs from a mile away. Haha.. .he looked good in his wedding outfit. And Subs looked purdy in hers too... Wished them a happy marriage, passed them a wedding present, took group photos with the bride and groom before making a move. Thankfully I didn't get lost on the way back (although Subra called me just in case). What a night that was~

One in a Million 2

Yeah it's started! But guess what, I missed it cos I went to Subs' wedding. Ironic isn't it? But the wedding was more important, so I'll just wait for Kak Marina to post the repeat on Bluehyppo~

Peace & God Bless,
Aris Tee

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