Low Yat and MamakWent to Low Yat with Jill for some window shopping... she has never been there so I figured it would be nice to bring her there. She was a gaming buff herself, so it was quite nice to walk around Low Yat without having to leave behind what you're actually seeing (if you know what I mean)... Had lunch at Mr. Teppanyaki 1st, they haven't exactly been the best Japanese restaurants around (mostly due to much 'Malaysianising' and fusion) but I admit Low Yat's was rather good.

Japanese Chicken Chop, anyone?

California Roll with no roe...

Chicken Teriyaki Bento...
Went to shop around the computer section... I bought a cool plug point that has switches (yeah switches) so that you could choose which point you want to power up. Neat stuff... Also got myself a set of 4R-sized semi-gloss paper. The printouts would look like those on car brochures... Browsed mouses, keyboards, webcams and stopped at the 3D graphics section... Jill asked them for the best unit, and they brought out Asus' ATi Radeon X1950XTX 512MB GDDR4 CROSSFIRE... my goodness, what a card that was... it was HUGE, red and freakingly expensive. RM1.8k... phew...

Then we dropped by the computer casing section, where there were lots and lots of cool (pun intended) casings with lots and lots of colorful lit-up fans... lovely...

Blue-lit fan...

A quad-colored one...
Ok, what I found after that was The Big One... the Raidmax Smilodon. I was struck with awe... it was so cool, with it's wonderfully designed windowed casing and blue-lit fans... and the 3 LED 'blades' up front... it also had clip-type construction and side-hatch doors... a sliding motherboard door and swivel-open hard drive bays... totally awesome... Hope to upgrade one day...

The Raidmax Smilodon

The brochure...

Side-hatch doors...

Various features...
After that we shopped for a couple of CDs and then had to leave fast because I promised my cute lil sis that I'd meet up with her for a drink. Rushed through the KL jam and ended up slightly late. But she was ok of course. Ostro was at her place too... red through his assignment or something... was about some brewery (actually tak faham). Lol...

Rescued a bird which fell into the pond... poor lil fella was injured. It went missing after I set it free... hopefully he's okay... We went Makbul after that and waited for Ivy, but she couldn't join in the end. Just simple chit chat and jokes... had to leave early because I needed to get a haircut and also join the family for a movie (which also tak jadi because we couldn't reach the cineplex in time & they gave away our seats...) So there goes such a busy yet fun day...


Pre-haircut look...

Jill: Mana duit saya?
Myn: Duit apa?!

Cute lil sis striking a pose in the car...
Tuners... Muscles... Exotics...
Been hooked with Need for Speed : Carbon lately... thanks to some tweaks and tips from Jill, I managed to finally play the game smoothly (well, most of the time). Ok, 1st impressions... the main menu is silky smooth, although the elaborated sparkles, shines, exaggerated animation, etc are sort of unnecessary and might have an impact on the game's performance... the graphics are an improvement over the last Need for Speed, which is good (this is btw, officially Need for Speed 10), but my 3D card seems to not be able to display motion blur, which sux...

Using my favourite Nissan 240SX to win a challenge...

Nice graphics eh? This is not even full setting!
The cutscenes (in full-motion-video) are wonderfully done, and yeah, Nikki (played by Emmanuelle Vaugier) is really cute (although she hates your guts). The game picks off where Need for Speed : Most Wanted ended... you're driving your BMW M3 GTR and eventually get totalled by Cross (Dean McKenzie). Yeah that same idiot cop, but he's so exaggerated that he's funny... You start off from scratch trying to pay off a dept to a friend. Given the choice of a Mazda RX8, vintage Chevrolet Camaro and an Alfa Romeo Brera, my choice was a no-brainer... Took the Alfa, loved it to bits, it handled well, ok with drifting, had lotsa speed... tuned it up a lil, painted it Electric Blue... A neat addition to the Need for Speed franchise are the Crew members like drafters, blockers and scouts. Each one has their own advantages. You and your crew will go and win races, take over territories and defeat the bosses... Oh yeah, I'm still playing! Haha...

Alfa Romeo Brera

Sliding action...

Example of exaggerated animation...

Fitted with sweet OZs

Now that's what I'm talking about...

Sweet bodykit and Electric Blue metallic paint...

NOS action...

"I believe I can fly~"

This is what happens when you ram a petrol station...

Menacing car...
Well, I wanted to continue about the A1GP we went the next day, but if I add that, this would be one really long blog entry, I'll save that for tomorrow I guess...
PEACE and God Bless,