Yup... I'm posting again. Haven't done so in ages. I really must say I haven't been in the best of shape lately, trying my best to cope with what I've been facing. Improving myself and undestanding myself better. But it's not like anyone reads my blog anyway...
It's been harsh, things have been really hard on me. I'm not a perfect person, I know no one is, but blame myself for trying to be one. The next couple of weeks or so would be the hardest I have to face yet, as much as I wana elaborate why, I just can't. It's just too... personal. To my closest friends who partly know what I've been going thru, and those who have offered me lots of advice from different angles, thanks so much and God bless you. Even though you guys might not have heard the full story (yeah I never revealed to anyone), all that you have done for me are much appreciated. I'm not a quitter, never was, and God-willing, never will be. I'm going down a narrow path that has little or no likelyhood of success, I'm gonna stare at defeat straight in the eye, and pray to God that I will not crash and burn. This means a lot to me, and at times, despite how hard I try, it somehow still just isn't enough, and I feel that may be why things always go wrong. But whatever happens, I'll just keep my heart strong, knowing I have tried and done my best, and just hope that things will turn out how I wish and pray it would. Now it's just up to me to face the truth, be it good or bad...
PEACE and God Bless,